Services Overview

We provide Enhanced 911 and non-emergency call processing for unincorporated county areas and most of the cities. We don't currently provide this service for the cities of Oakdale, Ceres, Newman, and Turlock.

  • We also provide fire and law enforcement dispatching for unincorporated county areas (Sheriff, Consolidated Fire, and rural fire districts); and most incorporated cities. We don't currently provide these services for the cities of Oakdale (law), Ceres, (law), Newman (law), and Turlock (law and fire).
  • After hours public works response.
  • We also work closely with the Emergency Operations Command Center during times of local emergency, like the floods of 1997. We strive to provide our normal level of service to the community during critical times like this while assisting the EOC in matters of communication and organization.
  • We dispatch law enforcement and fire personnel for most cities and rural areas in the county. We strive to maintain standardized procedures while respecting each agency's individual requirements.
  • We provide reports on response times, call counts, and other special information to assist the agencies with maintaining a superior level of community service. We also provide reporting to assist the agencies with special operations or research.
  • We log phone and radio communications, and provide them along with computer printouts when subpoenaed for court cases.
  • We provide access to state and federal law enforcement networks for all county agencies.
  • We also provide moderate computer support for all agencies with terminals that hook into our system.